Select References on Women and Migration
Alicea, M. 1997. "'A Chambered Nautilus': The Contradictory Nature of Puerto Rican Women's Role in the Social Construction of a Transnational Community." Gender and Society 11: 597-626.
Bhabha, J. et al., eds. 1995. Worlds Apart: Women Under Immigration and Nationality Law. London: Pluto Press.
Boyd, M. 1986. "Immigrant Women in Canada." In International Migration: The Female Experience, eds. R. Simon and C. Brettell. Totowa, New Jersey: Rowman and Allanheld.
_____. 1989. "Family and Personal Networks in International Migration: Recent Developments and New Agendas." International Migration Review 23: 638-671.
_____. 1992. "Gender Issues in Immigration and Language Fluency." In Immigration, Language, and Ethnicity, ed. B. Chiswick. Washington, D.C.: AEI Press.
_____. 1995. "Migration Regulations and Sex Selective Outcomes in Developed Countries." In International Migration Policies and the Status of Female Migrants. United Nations Department for Economic and Social Information and Policy Analysis, Population Division. New York: United Nations.
_____. 1996. "Female Migrant Labor in North America: Trends and Issues for the 1990s." Pp. 193-212 in International Migration, Refugee Flows and Human Rights in North America: The Impact of Trade and Restructuring, ed. A. Simmons. New York: Center for Migration Studies.
_____. 1997. "Immigrant Minorities, Language, and Economic Integration in Canada." Pp. 165-185 in Old and New Minorities/Anciennes et Nouvelles Minorities, ed. J. Rallu, Y. Courbage and V. Piche. Paris: John Libbey Eurotext and INED.
_____. 1997. "Migration Policy, Family Membership and Female Dependency: Canada and Germany." In Remaking the Welfare State, ed. P. Evans and G. Wekerle. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Brettell, C.B. and P.A. deBerjeois. 1992. "Anthropology and the Study of Immigrant Women." Pp. 41-63 in Seeking Common Ground: Multidisciplinary Studies of Immigrant Women in the United States, ed. D. Gabaccia. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press.
Bujis, G. 1993. "Gender and Immigrants." In Migrant Women Crossing Boundaries and Changing Identities, ed. G. Bujis. Oxford, Providence: Berg.
Cervantes, M. 1994. "Immigration, Gender, and Settlement." In Gendered Transitions: Mexican Experiences of Immigration, ed. P Hondagneu-Sotelo. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Chant, S. 1992. "Conclusion: Towards a Framework for the Analysis of Gender- Selective Migration." Pp. 174-196 in Gender and Migration in Developing Countries, ed. S. Chant. London and New York: Bellhaven Press.
Chant, S. and S. Radcliffe. 1992. "Migration and Development: The Importance of Gender." Pp. 1-29 in Gender and Migration in Developing Countries, ed. S. Chant. London and New York: Bellhaven Press.
Cheng, S.A. 1999 "Labor Migration and International Sexual Division of Labor: A Feminist Perspective." Pp. 38-58 in Gender and Immigration, ed. G.A. Kelson and D.L. DeLaet. Washington Square, New York: New York University Press.
Curran, S.R. and A. Saguy. 2001. "Migration and Cultural Change: A Role for Gender and Social Networks?" Journal of International Women's Studies 2: 54-77.
De Jong, G.F. 2002. "Expectations, Gender, and Norms in Migration Decision-Making." Population Studies 54: 307-319.
DeLaet, D.L. 1999. "Introduction: The Invisibility of Women in Scholarship on International Migration." Pp. 1-17 in Gender and Immigration, ed. G.A. Kelson and D.L. DeLaet. Washington Square, New York: New York University Press.
Ellis, M., et al. 1996. "The Circular Migration of Puerto Rican Women: Towards a Gendered Explanation." International Migration 43: 31-64.
Fawcett, J. 1989. "Networks, Linkages, and Migration Systems." International Migration Review 23: 671-680.
Fouron, G. and N.G. Schiller. 2001. "All in the Family: Gender, Transnational Migration, and the Nation-State." Identities 7: 539-582.
Gabaccia, D., ed. 1992. Seeking Common Ground: Multidisciplinary Studies of Immigrant Women in the United States. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press.
Hagan, J.M. 1998. "Social Networks, Gender, and Immigration Incorporation: Resources and Constraints." American Sociological Review 64: 55-67.
Ho, C.G.T. 1993. "The Internationalization of Kinship and the Feminization of Caribbean Migration: The Case of Afro-Trinidadian Immigrants in Los Angeles." Human Organization 52: 32-40
_____. 1999. "Caribbean Transnationalism as a Gendered Process." Latin American Perspectives 108: 34-54.
Hondagneu-Sotelo, P. 1992. "Overcoming Patriarchal Constraints: The Reconstruction of Gender Relations Among Mexican Immigrant Women and Men." Gender and Society 6: 393-415.
_____. 1994. Gendered Transitions: Mexican Experiences of Immigration. Berkeley: University of California Press.
_____. 1999. "Introduction: Gender and Contemporary U.S. Immigration." American Behavioral Scientist 42: 565-576.
Hondagneu-Sotelo, P. and C. Cranford. 1999. "Gender and Migration." Pp. 105-127 in Handbook of the Sociology of Gender, ed. J.S. Chafetz. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
Hugo, G. 1999. Gender and Migrations in Asian Countries. Liege: International Union for the Scientific Study of Population.
Indra, D., ed. 1999. Engendering Forced Migration: Theory and Practice. New York: Berghahn Books.
Kanaiaupuni, S.M. 2000. "Reframing the Migration Question: An Analysis of Men, Women, and Gender in Mexico." Social Forces 78: 1311-1348.
Keely, C. 1994. "The Resettlement of Women and Children Refugees." Migration World 20: 14-18.
Kofman, E. 1999. "Female 'Birds of Passage' a Decade Later: Gender and Immigration in the European Union." International Migration Review 33: 269-299.
_____. 2000. "The Invisibility of Skilled Female Migrants and Gender Relations in Studies of Skilled Migration in Europe." International Journal of Population Geography 6: 45-59.
Lee, S. 1996. "Issues in Research on Women, International Migration and Labor." Asia and Pacific Migration Journal 5: 5-26.
Lim, L. 1995. "The Status of Women and International Migration." Pp. 29-55 in International Migration Policies and the Status of Female Migrants. United Nations Department for Economic and Social Information and Policy Analysis, Population Division. New York: United Nations.
Mahler, S.J. 2001. "Transnational Relationships: The Struggles to Communicate Across Borders." Identities 7: 583-619.
Mahler, S.J. 1999. "Engendering Transnational Migration: A Case Study of Salvadorans." American Behavioral Scientist 42: 690-719.
Matthei, L.M. 1997. "Gender and International Labor Migration: A Networks Approach." Social Justice 23: 38-53.
Martin, S. 1992. Refugee Women. Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey: ZED Books Ltd.
Morokvasic, M. 1983. "Women in Migration: Beyond the Reductionist Outlook." Pp. 13- 31 in One Way Ticket: Migration and Female Labour," ed. A. Phizacklea. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
_____. 1984. "Birds of Passage Are Also Women..." International Migration Review 4: 886-907.
Ortiz, V. 1996. "Migration and Marriage Among Puerto Rican Women." International Migration Review 30: 460-484.
Parreñas, R. 2001. Servants of Globalization: Women, Migration and Domestic Work. Standford, California: Standford University Press.
Pedraza, S. 1991. "Women and Migration: The Social Consequences of Gender." Annual Review of Sociology 17: 303-325.
Pessar, P.R. 1999. "Engendering Migration Studies: The Case of New Immigrants in the United States." American Behavioral Scientist 42: 577-600.
_____. 1999. "The Role of Gender, Households, and Social Networks in the Migration Process: A Review and Appraisal." Pp. 53-70 in The Handbook of International Migration: The American Experience, ed. C. Hirschman, P. Kasinitz, and J. DeWind. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
Phizacklea, A. 1983. "Introduction: One Way Ticket." In One Way Ticket, ed. A. Phizacklea. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Seller, M., ed. 1994. Immigrant Women. Albany: State University of New York Press.
Simon, R.J. 1992. "Sociology and Immigrant Women." In Seeking Common Ground: Multidisciplinary Studies of Immigrant Women in the United States, ed. D. Gabaccia. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press.
Simon, R.J. and C. Brettell. 1986. "Immigrant Women: An Introduction." Pp. 3-20 in International Migration: The Female Experience, ed. R. Simon and C. Brettell. Totowa, New Jersey: Rowman and Allanheld.
Tienda, M. and K. Booth. 1991. "Gender, Migration, and Social Change." International Sociology, 6: 51-72.
Toro-Morn, M.I. 1995. "Gender, Class, Family, and Migration: Puerto Rican Women in Chicago." Gender and Society 9: 712-726.
Tyner, J.A. 1996. "The Gendering of Philippine International Labor Migration." Professional Geographer 48: 405-416.
_____. 1999. "The Global Context of Gendered Labor Migration From the Philippines to the United States." American Behavioral Scientist 42: 671-689.
UN (United Nations). 1994. The Migration of Women: Methodological Issues in the Measurement and Analysis of Internal and International Migrants. United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (INSTRAW), Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
UN (United Nations). 1995. International Migration Policies and the Status of Female Migrants. United Nations Department for Economic and Social Information and Policy Analysis, Population Division. New York: United Nations.
Weinberg, S.S. 1992. "The Treatment of Women in Immigration History: A Call for Change." Pp. 3-22 in Seeking Common Ground: Multidisciplinary Studies of Immigrant Women in the United States, ed. D. Gabaccia. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press.
Zlotnik, H. 1995. "The South-to-North Migration of Women." International Migration Review 29: 229-254.
Bhabha, J. et al., eds. 1995. Worlds Apart: Women Under Immigration and Nationality Law. London: Pluto Press.
Boyd, M. 1986. "Immigrant Women in Canada." In International Migration: The Female Experience, eds. R. Simon and C. Brettell. Totowa, New Jersey: Rowman and Allanheld.
_____. 1989. "Family and Personal Networks in International Migration: Recent Developments and New Agendas." International Migration Review 23: 638-671.
_____. 1992. "Gender Issues in Immigration and Language Fluency." In Immigration, Language, and Ethnicity, ed. B. Chiswick. Washington, D.C.: AEI Press.
_____. 1995. "Migration Regulations and Sex Selective Outcomes in Developed Countries." In International Migration Policies and the Status of Female Migrants. United Nations Department for Economic and Social Information and Policy Analysis, Population Division. New York: United Nations.
_____. 1996. "Female Migrant Labor in North America: Trends and Issues for the 1990s." Pp. 193-212 in International Migration, Refugee Flows and Human Rights in North America: The Impact of Trade and Restructuring, ed. A. Simmons. New York: Center for Migration Studies.
_____. 1997. "Immigrant Minorities, Language, and Economic Integration in Canada." Pp. 165-185 in Old and New Minorities/Anciennes et Nouvelles Minorities, ed. J. Rallu, Y. Courbage and V. Piche. Paris: John Libbey Eurotext and INED.
_____. 1997. "Migration Policy, Family Membership and Female Dependency: Canada and Germany." In Remaking the Welfare State, ed. P. Evans and G. Wekerle. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Brettell, C.B. and P.A. deBerjeois. 1992. "Anthropology and the Study of Immigrant Women." Pp. 41-63 in Seeking Common Ground: Multidisciplinary Studies of Immigrant Women in the United States, ed. D. Gabaccia. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press.
Bujis, G. 1993. "Gender and Immigrants." In Migrant Women Crossing Boundaries and Changing Identities, ed. G. Bujis. Oxford, Providence: Berg.
Cervantes, M. 1994. "Immigration, Gender, and Settlement." In Gendered Transitions: Mexican Experiences of Immigration, ed. P Hondagneu-Sotelo. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Chant, S. 1992. "Conclusion: Towards a Framework for the Analysis of Gender- Selective Migration." Pp. 174-196 in Gender and Migration in Developing Countries, ed. S. Chant. London and New York: Bellhaven Press.
Chant, S. and S. Radcliffe. 1992. "Migration and Development: The Importance of Gender." Pp. 1-29 in Gender and Migration in Developing Countries, ed. S. Chant. London and New York: Bellhaven Press.
Cheng, S.A. 1999 "Labor Migration and International Sexual Division of Labor: A Feminist Perspective." Pp. 38-58 in Gender and Immigration, ed. G.A. Kelson and D.L. DeLaet. Washington Square, New York: New York University Press.
Curran, S.R. and A. Saguy. 2001. "Migration and Cultural Change: A Role for Gender and Social Networks?" Journal of International Women's Studies 2: 54-77.
De Jong, G.F. 2002. "Expectations, Gender, and Norms in Migration Decision-Making." Population Studies 54: 307-319.
DeLaet, D.L. 1999. "Introduction: The Invisibility of Women in Scholarship on International Migration." Pp. 1-17 in Gender and Immigration, ed. G.A. Kelson and D.L. DeLaet. Washington Square, New York: New York University Press.
Ellis, M., et al. 1996. "The Circular Migration of Puerto Rican Women: Towards a Gendered Explanation." International Migration 43: 31-64.
Fawcett, J. 1989. "Networks, Linkages, and Migration Systems." International Migration Review 23: 671-680.
Fouron, G. and N.G. Schiller. 2001. "All in the Family: Gender, Transnational Migration, and the Nation-State." Identities 7: 539-582.
Gabaccia, D., ed. 1992. Seeking Common Ground: Multidisciplinary Studies of Immigrant Women in the United States. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press.
Hagan, J.M. 1998. "Social Networks, Gender, and Immigration Incorporation: Resources and Constraints." American Sociological Review 64: 55-67.
Ho, C.G.T. 1993. "The Internationalization of Kinship and the Feminization of Caribbean Migration: The Case of Afro-Trinidadian Immigrants in Los Angeles." Human Organization 52: 32-40
_____. 1999. "Caribbean Transnationalism as a Gendered Process." Latin American Perspectives 108: 34-54.
Hondagneu-Sotelo, P. 1992. "Overcoming Patriarchal Constraints: The Reconstruction of Gender Relations Among Mexican Immigrant Women and Men." Gender and Society 6: 393-415.
_____. 1994. Gendered Transitions: Mexican Experiences of Immigration. Berkeley: University of California Press.
_____. 1999. "Introduction: Gender and Contemporary U.S. Immigration." American Behavioral Scientist 42: 565-576.
Hondagneu-Sotelo, P. and C. Cranford. 1999. "Gender and Migration." Pp. 105-127 in Handbook of the Sociology of Gender, ed. J.S. Chafetz. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
Hugo, G. 1999. Gender and Migrations in Asian Countries. Liege: International Union for the Scientific Study of Population.
Indra, D., ed. 1999. Engendering Forced Migration: Theory and Practice. New York: Berghahn Books.
Kanaiaupuni, S.M. 2000. "Reframing the Migration Question: An Analysis of Men, Women, and Gender in Mexico." Social Forces 78: 1311-1348.
Keely, C. 1994. "The Resettlement of Women and Children Refugees." Migration World 20: 14-18.
Kofman, E. 1999. "Female 'Birds of Passage' a Decade Later: Gender and Immigration in the European Union." International Migration Review 33: 269-299.
_____. 2000. "The Invisibility of Skilled Female Migrants and Gender Relations in Studies of Skilled Migration in Europe." International Journal of Population Geography 6: 45-59.
Lee, S. 1996. "Issues in Research on Women, International Migration and Labor." Asia and Pacific Migration Journal 5: 5-26.
Lim, L. 1995. "The Status of Women and International Migration." Pp. 29-55 in International Migration Policies and the Status of Female Migrants. United Nations Department for Economic and Social Information and Policy Analysis, Population Division. New York: United Nations.
Mahler, S.J. 2001. "Transnational Relationships: The Struggles to Communicate Across Borders." Identities 7: 583-619.
Mahler, S.J. 1999. "Engendering Transnational Migration: A Case Study of Salvadorans." American Behavioral Scientist 42: 690-719.
Matthei, L.M. 1997. "Gender and International Labor Migration: A Networks Approach." Social Justice 23: 38-53.
Martin, S. 1992. Refugee Women. Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey: ZED Books Ltd.
Morokvasic, M. 1983. "Women in Migration: Beyond the Reductionist Outlook." Pp. 13- 31 in One Way Ticket: Migration and Female Labour," ed. A. Phizacklea. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
_____. 1984. "Birds of Passage Are Also Women..." International Migration Review 4: 886-907.
Ortiz, V. 1996. "Migration and Marriage Among Puerto Rican Women." International Migration Review 30: 460-484.
Parreñas, R. 2001. Servants of Globalization: Women, Migration and Domestic Work. Standford, California: Standford University Press.
Pedraza, S. 1991. "Women and Migration: The Social Consequences of Gender." Annual Review of Sociology 17: 303-325.
Pessar, P.R. 1999. "Engendering Migration Studies: The Case of New Immigrants in the United States." American Behavioral Scientist 42: 577-600.
_____. 1999. "The Role of Gender, Households, and Social Networks in the Migration Process: A Review and Appraisal." Pp. 53-70 in The Handbook of International Migration: The American Experience, ed. C. Hirschman, P. Kasinitz, and J. DeWind. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
Phizacklea, A. 1983. "Introduction: One Way Ticket." In One Way Ticket, ed. A. Phizacklea. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Seller, M., ed. 1994. Immigrant Women. Albany: State University of New York Press.
Simon, R.J. 1992. "Sociology and Immigrant Women." In Seeking Common Ground: Multidisciplinary Studies of Immigrant Women in the United States, ed. D. Gabaccia. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press.
Simon, R.J. and C. Brettell. 1986. "Immigrant Women: An Introduction." Pp. 3-20 in International Migration: The Female Experience, ed. R. Simon and C. Brettell. Totowa, New Jersey: Rowman and Allanheld.
Tienda, M. and K. Booth. 1991. "Gender, Migration, and Social Change." International Sociology, 6: 51-72.
Toro-Morn, M.I. 1995. "Gender, Class, Family, and Migration: Puerto Rican Women in Chicago." Gender and Society 9: 712-726.
Tyner, J.A. 1996. "The Gendering of Philippine International Labor Migration." Professional Geographer 48: 405-416.
_____. 1999. "The Global Context of Gendered Labor Migration From the Philippines to the United States." American Behavioral Scientist 42: 671-689.
UN (United Nations). 1994. The Migration of Women: Methodological Issues in the Measurement and Analysis of Internal and International Migrants. United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (INSTRAW), Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
UN (United Nations). 1995. International Migration Policies and the Status of Female Migrants. United Nations Department for Economic and Social Information and Policy Analysis, Population Division. New York: United Nations.
Weinberg, S.S. 1992. "The Treatment of Women in Immigration History: A Call for Change." Pp. 3-22 in Seeking Common Ground: Multidisciplinary Studies of Immigrant Women in the United States, ed. D. Gabaccia. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press.
Zlotnik, H. 1995. "The South-to-North Migration of Women." International Migration Review 29: 229-254.